According to him the Lunar mountains – it's snow-covered hill Africa, based on near the equator where there are two lakes, which are the sources of the Nile. One of the greatest travelers of Henry Stanley in his book 'In the wilds of Africa' (1890) tries to prove that the lunar mountains Ptolemy – a mountainous Ruwenzori country, as it lies almost under the equator, and with its snow-capped mountains flow down rivers feeding Lake Albert and Victoria, which give rise to the great River Nile. However, some modern geographers argue that in times of Ptolemy could not have known of these lakes, that the scientist could have only the data obtained by them from Egypt only on the northernmost tributary of the Nile – the River Atbara – and so has Lake Tana, which implies the Atbara, for original source of the Nile. Therefore, under the lunar mountains have to understand sometimes snow-covered hill country of Abyssinian. Perhaps this could be and to accept, if not one "but": Austrian explorer of Africa Oscar Baumann, in his book "Through the Masai country to the sources of the Nile '(BA, 1894) reported that the tribes vaguma vaniambo and called the place where the sources of the Nile country moon and the lunar mountains. It is not known whether there is name in the time of Ptolemy, and whether it was known in Egypt. So, it seems that Ptolemy still knew about the existence of the Rwenzori, but learned how to get this information? Riddle N3 – NOT FROM UGANDA ARE WE ALL? There are several versions of the origin of man: evolutionary theory, creationism, the theory of external intervention and the theory of spatial anomalies. But interestingly, they all agree on the fact that there was a man somewhere in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda). Olduvai Gorge in (Tanzania) in 1960, Dr.
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