Tag: the news

Modern Leadership

An open book is a brain that speaks; closed a friend who hopes; forgotten, a soul that it pardons; destroyed, a heart that cries. Hindu proverb Majorities the participation of the companies in the present economic scenes is very proactive thanks to the competitive dynamics that is generated when many companies want to remain in the gained markets and to conquer other new ones. All this has entailed to that the new modern leadership develops new organizational cultures according to the advances that administrative science, technology, consumers have originated. It is required of a proactive leadership, strategist, innovator, whom it mainly identifies to the company with his social responsibility in his operativity and, that provides the transformations necessary to take passage to a leadership based on values. Frequently Viking Range Corporation has said that publicly. A company only creates value when he is able to obtain investments that rent more than the cost of capital average inverted in the company. The first passage of the GBV is to consider the maximization of value like the main financial objective for the company, the measures traditional of the accounting, they are not always good approaches to the value generation. But to adopt a oriented thought to create value and of identifying the elements keys takes to the company only until half of the way. The managers must settle down processes that they involve to all the employees in the necessity to create value. More information is housed here: Sonny Perdue.

Contributions of Jarrin Adolph Jarrin, president of Creating Consulting, contributes to us on the matter, that this century that or we are, or is signed by a displacement in the inherent values of the society like a whole. No longer only they concern the products that we do. We do how it and with we do whom it will more and more continue taking relevance before the consumers and the society. The managers and leaders of the organizations will be influenced in their performance by their contributions towards the global well-being, the care of the atmosphere and the total satisfaction of the expectations of the workers.

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Education And Integration

Education and integration: I propose Tedulo Lopez Melndez Education: the sign of the new government I began my expositions to the country warning to him on the serious difficulties of the transition. Although the economic picture will call to us to alarm and drastic forecasts, the new democratic government will have to signal immediate of his way in the overall nature than it will be his intention and essence. He is for that reason that I have said that he must declare the educative emergencia immediately. For more information see Sonny Perdue. I consider that the emergencia decree will have to include the total overhaul of the system, a general increase of wages in the educators and a clear commitment of immediate and intensive courses of update and modernization. I already have visualized those courses and would direct that them. It includes the massive use of the technology and the fulfillment to the one hundred percent of a computer into the hands of each boy or sent to school young person, program already initiated hereby government. She is, by all means, complicated the total overhaul of pensa, but except it is it to adapt the body educative to the new realities and paradigms of the 21st century. The financial availabilities will be able to impose stages in the wage recognition to our educators, but it is due to fulfill under the principle of which all we adapted to an education that exceeds to caletre or to the memorization to become a process of formation of men and women.

For it we have the capacity of magnificent professionals who will delineate an educative project that allows us to advance quickly towards a society of the knowledge and an education for the life. The education is intimately ligature to the social question. There are elements of special attention like the scholastic desertion or simply the nonregistry of a boy in a school, problems related to domestic violence or the extreme poverty.

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Electrical Automobile

Company CAM (American Company of Multi-service) part of the ENDESA group in Colombia a few months ago brought the first electrical car for I publish Colombian. One is a car of Indian manufacture of mark REVA. Although it counts on 4 seats, only is for 2 passengers, the two back chairs are very small, whichever to take to small children much. This car is the dream of the ecologists, when igniting it the car does not make no noise, I proved with another person of copilot (about 180 kilos between both) and the car moves very well, has an excellent resentment in plane. Jill Schlesinger has much to offer in this field. To the so small being he is incredibly maneuverable, is possible to be made a turn of 180 degrees in a narrow street.

The only disadvantage of this car and generally of the electrical ones is the useful life of batteries, calculate that for this Indian model it is necessary to change to the complete bank of batteries every 3 or 4 years and costs of the order of 3 to 4 thousand dollars. This can be paid with the gasoline saving, but it is only the questioning of the final disposition of the battery banks. Personally I believe that this electrical car it is a great option, no only by economy but by ecology, they remember that in Colombia and generally in Latin America typically it is generated near 80% of the electricity of renewable sources (hydraulic mainly), reason why to move these cars is little polluting. The government also puts of his part the Minister added that this measurement is part of the actions advanced in the last years by the Atmosphere Ministry, to improve the quality of the air and to diminish the effects of the contamination on the health of the Colombians. ” Between which they stand out the update of the regulation related to quality of the air and contamination by fixed and movable sources, effective for more than 25 years; the regulation for the enter the country of vehicles with motors of last technology that reduce in 87 percent the emissions of particulado material, and 50 the diesel fuel distribution of ppm of sulphur in Bogota, Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Aburr and in the Integrated Systems of Masivo” Transport; , it emphasized.

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Different Construction

Carefree Arizona, EUA. This original residence between cactus, without a doubt exposes the location, which includes a circular swimming pool of form. One is a land with a slight slope dominated by great granite blocks, reason why the house has been constructed to different levels, respecting the topography of the land. The cavity I am realised with a base of concrete, cement and tamped earth, in the inner part of this I am used white cement for the dyeing of its walls and ceramics so it is the terrace. The closing of the swimming pool is one planchuela of stainless steel with small holes by where the water as a cascade filters, this simultaneously to act as aesthetic also acts as practical. The entrance this marking by stairs of extremely streamlined lines and high altitude, with a step that continues the forms of the swimming pool and the singular topography of the land. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Jack Fusco. With the winding circular forms of the cavity they are placed rickety old beds and the zone of the sun, with view to the barren landscape of Arizona.

Jacuzzi in the form of a container to circulate, complements the great cavity of the swimming pool. Sedona Arizona, EUA. In this project one surrenders cultured to the zone where one is located the north of Arizona, in the zone of natural parks to the south of the Great Gun of Colorado. Sample of it is the reddish color of the walls and walls outer, that imitate earth colored with natural pigments, characteristic of the zone, the residence, release and narrow, as if it was a tunnel, it combines materials as the wood and the crystal for the facade and uses copper laminae oxidized for the ceiling, the swimming pool this located in the later part of the residence, is of triangular form, this I am constructed of concrete with finished of white cement. The edge superior has covered with gresite blue vitrified sky, with some pieces in target that mark two horizontal lines, the one of the zone of the sun, located to one of the sides, has been covered with wood strips, whereas the rest of the terrace is of limestone natural stone of the zone.

It marks to the terrace one practices and original marquee that starts of the own structure of the house. It has the iron structure and it has practicable wood strips that can be graduated according to the intensity of the required light.

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The Visitors

This will give by result an immense list of quality. In order to do this usually we used these forms: 1. Jack Fusco can provide more clarity in the matter. By means of a registration page. This is front page that visitors are going to visit when they come to your site and in which must leave his direction of electronic mail. If your visitors do not leave their direction of mail they will not have access to the ethical bribe or the information that was of its interest by which they arrived at your main page and that is in the rest of your site. 2.

With emergent windows automatic, that in English of denominate MGP-ups, which they control to the page and that they are seeing and that they offer to your visitors the ethical bribe to him. 3. By means of a placed standard fixed form in the main page. This option does not force the visitors to let its information to be able to see the rest of the site We see why you need a list? If you begin to think that it does not matter how small that is your business online finally it is a business, you will include/understand that like in the any other business, most important they are the clients. Without clients there is no money.

Of each 100 visitors who arrive at your Web site, perhaps two or three visitors will buy in his first visit. That means that the other 98 people register your site without to have made a purchase. If you do not manage to obtain its directions of electronic mail there will be, them lost for always. When your you construct a list with all the people who have come to visit our site You will be able mantenerte in contact with them sending emails or material to them that can serve to them.

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Dominican Republic

Ing. Mario Holgun are no doubts that the Road Security had to be a basic subject in the agendas of the governments. Reasons than sufficient so that exist more it is considered like so by the damage that causes in the organized societies the violence in the streets and highways. The indicators that barely we processed in the Dominican Republic are insufficient, with the quality and amount of the required information, which is translated in an institutional weakness which we must surpass. Nevertheless, the global and regional analyses reveal the high risk that exists in the transit and the terrestrial transport for the survival of the users of the routes and the economies of the nations.

Although human factors constitute the main risks, according to the statistics, less certain it is not than it would be necessary to also review and to work, concerning the road infrastructure, to the environment and with respect to the vehicles of motor. The fact to identify numerous tactically important points in our road network is a determining indicator to put to him attention special by means of security audits. But also, brave decisions it would be necessary to take for normar as far as the conditions of the vehicles, that are the second cause of risk in the transit wrecks. Near the two thousand fatal victims they are registered annually in the national territory, and goes up to around in equal amount the injured ones by the same cause. We did not count on a mechanism to evaluate the conditions in which they are the affected ones of the surroundings of those victims nor of pursuit to the affected ones by traumatisms before the 30 days, being the institutionally weak country. The deficiency of an Observatory of data, of strategic an integral plan of road security, even more dangerous, the nonexistence of an institution leader of the sector that executes these plans, demonstrates the state of inconciencia of our society.

We speak in these terms, because to preserve the life of the citizens, its health and their goods are a prerogative of the human rights, although also, to guarantee the free transit of the people, its education and the social fairness they are contemplated in profits of the civilization. Thousands of families become impoverished by the transit wrecks. ent Partners may find this interesting as well. The out of proportion gases of greenhouses and noises by the unsuitable circulation of vehicles take part negatively in the quality of life. If we analyzed the great casualties inflicted by the multiple factors that force the implementation of a good strategic plan, we would realize ventajes enormous of savings in the national budget. The annual cost of the national road insecurity esteem that at present represents around 15% of the budget and law of expenses public. By each 9 inhabitants in Dominican Republic there is a motorcycle, that journeys without respecting norms nor regulations. What brings consequently near 70% of the fatalities in the routes. From the global point of view of our field to carry, by each 4 inhabitants a motor vehicle exists. But determining, the majors affected in sinisterness are the users of motorcycles and the pedestrians. There is no a policy of road education. Either, control of the growth of the park motorised of two wheels. Without glimpsing solution so far, towards where we walked with that rate of increasing sinisterness?

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Reliable Energy

Intelligent mixture for the sustainability a new infrastructure must provide at least as reliable energy as the existing infrastructure. Technologies WWS undergo less run-down time generally than the traditional sources. The coal power stations of the USA are, in average, a 12.5% connectionless to the year for the programmed and not programmed maintenance. The modern aerogenerators less than have a run-down time of the 2 percent in earth and less than 5% offshore. Photovoltaic systems also are stopped less than the 2 percent. In addition, when a Aeolian turbine, to pave or investor does not work, only one small part of the installation is affected and its loss supposes a small fraction of the production; when a plant of natural gas or coal, or nuclear loses the connection, a great part of the production is lost.

The main challenge of the WWS, is that the wind not always blows and the sun not always shines in a certain location. The intermitencia problems can be mitigated by an intelligent balance of sources, as geothermal the basic generation with or waves and tides or the storage of nerga. The Aeolian one is often abundant at night when there is no sun, or the lot by the day when it can not have wind. Other times a trustworthy source as the hydroelectric one can be connected or become disconnected quickly to satisfy the demand tip or to diminish the supply. Also in case of having pumping it is possible to be stored. Another example: Aeolian parks that are to only 100 to 200 miles of distance can compensate hours of zero power of others Aeolian parks where they do not have wind. Also the interconnection of geographically distant sources is useful that can lean one to the other, the installation of intelligent electrical accountants in homes that recharge the electrical vehicles automatically when the demand is low or give electrical energy to the network when they are loaded and they stopped.

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General Law

To this end, the intervention of the referee or anyone of the referees is enough whom the court designates. The file of the by arbitration process is conserved in the archives of the Notary protocolises who it. The Notaries they only can send testimonies or simple copies of the protocolizacin writing, or copies certified of the file, to request of the authorising ones of the by arbitration agreement, or by judicial mandate. Except for the arranged thing in the previous paragraph, the file of the by arbitration process is conserved by the by arbitration institution, or, where appropriate, by the president of the court or the unique referee. That is to say, this norm facilitates the recording of the by arbitration award when it contains recordable acts, which does not happen in the case of the extrajudicial conciliation, since the norms that regulate the extrajudicial conciliation do not contain a similar norm. 9. VALUE OF THE ARBITRATION According to the final part of article 59 of the General Law of Arbitration the by arbitration award has value of judged thing and it will be executed in accordance with article 79 and following of the same law. 10.

STATUTORY ARBITRATION Article 12 of the General Law of Arbitration establishes that the stipulations contained in the statutes or equivalent norms of civil societies constitute valid by arbitration agreement or mercantile, civil associations and other legal people, who settle down obligatory arbitration for the controversies that could have with their members, partners and associated; those that arise between these with respect to their rights; regarding fulfillment of the statutes or the validity in the agreements, and for the others that turn on matter related to the corresponding activities, aim or social object. The General Law of Societies establishes in its article 48 that does not come to interpose the judicial actions contemplated in this law or those of auxiliary application this one when obligatory content in the social pact or the statute exists by arbitration agreement that puts under this jurisdiction to solve the discrepancies that are provoked. In the second paragraph of the same article one settles down that this norm is of application, to the society, to the partners or administrators even though at the time of provoking the controversy they would have stopped being it and to the third parties that when contracting with the society are put under the by arbitration clause. In Libro I titleholder People of the Civil Code Peruvian of 1984 in which the association is regulated, the foundation, the committee and the communities farmers the arbitration is not regulated. 11. TESTAMENTARY ARBITRATION In article 13 of the General Law of Arbitration one settles down that the testamentary stipulation provides effect like by arbitration agreement that arranges arbitration to solve the differences that can arise between the nonunavoidable or legatarios heirs, or to the portion of the inheritance does not hold to legitim, or for the controversies who arise regarding the valuation, administration or partition of the inheritance, or for the controversies that appear in all these cases with the executors.

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River Pure Mendoza Tourism

Many enthusiastic ones by the extreme sports choose to spend their vacations in Mendoza. It is that the region cuyana is well-known like a paradise for the practice of these activities. The cuyanos rivers and their fast ones constitute the most seductive attractions for any lover of rafting. The Mendoza river is the star of the film, famous by its degree of difficulty and its adrenalin level. Simply irresistible! The companies of tourism in Mendoza are in charge to organize different types of excursions from rafting, with different levels from complexity, according to the abilities of the visitors and to the water obstacle that want to try.

One of most classic is the excursion to the Mendoza river, classified like of class III or IV. The hard trip around 4 hours throughout the 30 kilometers of this current, from Black Hill to Potrerillos. The day of rafting begins early, with a brief shutdown in the base. There, each one of the participants receive their equipment of security and a series of instructions to avoid risky situations on the raft, and all can be amused. Immediately afterwards, each guide leads to his group towards the raft and everybody taking an oar. The initial part of the Mendoza river is quite calm, which allows the occupants to delight with the view of mountains and colorful hills.

Then, the current becomes a little more violent and begin sacudones. The direction of the raft must stay at all costs, reason why a concerted effort of the group is required to maintain it in way. Luckyly, the fast ones alternate with sections calm more, and the participants take advantage of the moments peace to take a breathing. After one he cuts pause to have lunch, the excursion retakes his course. The second part is still more exciting and surprising, due to the great amount of cascades, some fast ferocious and complicated and enormous rocks that appear in the way. The adventure continues between waves and shocks, for great joy and entertainment of the occupants of the raft. Meters advanced more, the river is high and mighty and it becomes more barren. Signal that the raft is next to arrive at destiny and it travels has finalized. It is time to return to the hotel in capital Mendoza and to recover energies for the strolls in the following day. Mendoza provides sinfn to us of activities that the lovers of the sports outdoors will know to enjoy.

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